At present the research to practice gap is large. It is widely reported that it can take up to 17 years for evidence-based practices (EBPs) to be incorporated into routine healthcare practice, and only about half of EBPs ever reach widespread clinical usage.The field of implementation science has developed to facilitate the spread of EBPs, it examines what works, for whom and under what circumstances, and how evidence-based interventions can be adapted and scaled up in ways that are accessible and equitable.
For an overview of the process and links to sources of support and education click on the Implementation Science Fact Sheet below.
Adopting new program necessitates change and Implementation Teams are a key factor in assessing service/team readiness, developing staff competencies required by the evidence-based program, helping executive leadership teams to adjust organisation roles and functions to align with the program, and helping service leaders fully support the process of using the program and incorporating the necessary implementation supports.
(Fixsen et al., 2010)
A wide range of education/training sessions are available to all staff within Metro North via videoconference, face to face sessions, and the intranet.
There are also some excellent external sources on implementation science and frameworks: