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Community and Oral Health Education: Aged Care

This guide will assist you to meet your legislative and mandatory training requirements for Community and Oral Health

Aged Care Quality Standards 2019

The Aged Care Quality Standards are here!

On 1 July 2019, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission commenced assessment and monitoring against the Aged Care Quality Standards. The Commission has a variety of resources available for download to support service providers and their consumers to implement the Quality Standards.

Clinical governance in Aged Care: Standard 8

Clinical governance is an integrated set of leadership behaviours, policies, procedures, responsibilities, relationships, planning, monitoring and improvement mechanisms that are implemented to support safe, quality clinical care and good clinical outcomes for each consumer.

The Aged Care Quality Standards require aged care services that provide clinical care to demonstrate the use of a clinical governance framework (Standard 8, 3(e)).

For more information on Clinical Governance and the stakeholders involved in developing these resources, visit the Clinical Governance page at the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission or view the links below.

Serious Incident Response Scheme

Reporting incidents under the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)

Incident management under the SIRS

Benefits of effective incident management

Minimising physical and/or chemical restraint

Minimising physical and/or chemical restraint

To help providers understand issues and their responsibilities around minimising the use of physical and/or chemical restraint, the Commission has released scenarios involving physical and/or chemical restraint.

Reducing the use of sedatives

Restrictive Practices and restraints

Advance Care Planning and End of Life decision making

© The State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 1996-2018